In this section, we want to make available a good number of scores, in order to help sacred music to resound again in our churches. We can only publish those scores that are of our authorship, in the public domain or for which we have explicit permission from the author. We ask that all of these be used for non-profit purposes and hope that they will serve the greater glory of God.
Various sacred songs

Meditative song for Advent: Come Lord Jesus

Lamentations of Mary – song in Spanish

Yeshua – The name of Jesus sung in Hebrew

Vexilla Regis prodeunt – Hymn to the Holy Cross

The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic, the language of Jesus

Come Lord Jesus,

Rosary of the Nations – Sung in various languages

Ave Maria sung in Hebrew

Chaplet of Divine Mercy (Polish)

Heart Prayer in Church Slavonic

The Spirit and the Bride say “Come”

Psalm 91 sung in Spanish – He who dwells…
Gregorian Chants

Te Deum

Gloria laus

Alma Redemptoris Mater

Cor arca – Hymn to the Sacred Heart

Benedictus – Canticle of Zachariah

Magnificat – Canticle of Mary

Joseph Fili David


Rorate caeli

Ave Maria – Tractus

Nunc dimittis

Requiem aeternam

Salve Regina – Simplex

Salve Regina – Solemne

Regina caeli

Veni Creator Spiritus

Alleluia. Veni Sancte Spiritus

Qui habitat. Psalm 91

Audi benigne Conditor – Lenten Hymn

Ave Maris Stella – Marian Hymn

Victimae Paschali laudes – Easter Sequence
For those interested in learning more about Gregorian chant, we recommend our series of tutorials, in which we teach some basics and, above all, how to sing the Missa de Angelis.
There are also two very useful websites for this purpose:
Gregobase: It contains a large number of Gregorian chant scores.
Chant Tools: Here the chants are systematized according to the liturgical year, etc. When you open any of the chants and click on the initial letter of the chant, a player opens to help you learn the melody.