Audio EN

Retreat of Pentecost, Part 6

The name Comforter for the Holy Spirit becomes very meaningful, because it is precisely in times of such tribulation through suffering that the Holy Spirit is present. There is a time of weeping and mourning (cf. Eccl 3,4). This is part of our life and if this were to be completely absent in some people, then […]

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Retreat of Pentecost, Part 5

Outer restlessness We easily allow ourselves to be absorbed by the dynamics of the works in the world and by their transmission. Also the multitude of encounters and contacts, together with today’s almost unlimited communication possibilities, easily create an almost fundamental restlessness around us. Sacred silence is found less and less often, even the churches

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Retreat of Pentecost, Part 4

The Holy Spirit is the light which also pervades the darkness of our heart. It is from the heart that our evil things come (cf. Mt 15,19). It must be purified by the divine light. Thus, when we live in the state of grace, the Holy Spirit sinks into us. We then perceive his presence as a

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Retreat of Pentecost, Part 3

Come, Father of the poor We are not very familiar with the term “Father” when referring to the Holy Spirit. But this becomes clear when we think of the word “beget”, which is connected with fatherhood. The Holy Spirit witnesses and begets. When we think about the term Father of the poor, a word from

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Retreat of Pentecost, Part 2

From our meditation yesterday we carried the question what does this mean what happened at Pentecost! Let us try to find a first answer. Because of the redeeming work of Jesus Christ, God leads us out of the chaos of sin and confusion into the true relationship with Him. This is the work of the

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Come o Holy Spirit!

Sequenz: Come, O Holy Spirit, come! From Your bright and blissful Home Rays of healing light impart. Come, Father of the poor, Source of gifts that will endure Light of ev’ry human heart. Within the next days we will use the written text of the retreat of Pentecost which we produced for Pentecost. For those

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The inner and outer mission

Acts 2, 2-11 When Pentecost day came round, they had all met together, when suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of a violent wind which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and there appeared to them tongues as of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of

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Beloved Holy Spirit, You want us to live faithfulness – and this in a time when infidelity is almost becoming a way of life! You will have a lot of work to do, because many people no longer understand the meaning of fidelity, whether it is in the marital relationship or in promises made or

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What ornament, O Holy Spirit, is a humble soul; a soul in which Your fruit, dwells! In her, the disorderly desire is restrained and has come to rest. It does not think for herself constantly and is easily satisfied with everything. She does not want to be the centre of attention, but wants to take

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True peace

Beloved Holy Spirit, one of Your wonderful gifts is peace! It is a peace that the world cannot give (cf Jn 14,27), but neither can it take! This points to a peace different from the peace we usually know – it is a peace that lasts! How much the world speaks of peace – but it

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