Ven Señor Jesús, ¡Maranathá!
(Come Lord Jesus, Maranatha!)

The three liturgical prayers in Spanish included on this CD express our longing for the soon return of the Lord. The Church and all humanity should prepare themselves for this eschatological event, and this is the purpose of these recordings.
With the first of the prayers – the Office in honor of God the Father – we invite the listener to get to know our heavenly Father better in His infinite love for us. This will foster our zeal for evangelization, so that all people may know, honor and love Him.
The second of the prayers, the Hymnos Akathistos, considered the oldest and most beautiful Marian poem in the world, is a powerful spiritual weapon in the fight against evil spirits.
Finally, the “Heavenly Jerusalem” – the last two Apocalypse – presents the victory of the returning Lord. We praise Him and ask Him to return as soon as possible: