MEDITATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS (3/8): My heart I want to give you

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You wanted to choose simple people: they were shepherds (Lk 2:8-20). You, Beloved Child, love simplicity. You can enter more easily into a simple heart.

And You also make us simple. It is not necessary to know everything at once. It is more important to let Your love burn in us and to hasten like shepherds to pass on the Good News.

You are here! You have really come! For so long you have been announced and longed for. But now it is up to us to grasp this reality, for in You we see the glory of the Only-begotten of the Father (Jn 1:14). This glory shines in You, beloved Child! When You open the eyes of faith, we discover it.

When Your love touches our heart, everything becomes simple. Then we can simply say to other people: “Look, a beautiful Child is lying in the manger, next to a donkey and an ox”.

But the wise men from the East also come to worship you (Mt 2:1-11). They thirst to see you and offer you their gifts. They come from far away and their hearts are full of hope.

When they see the star above the place where you were, they are filled with immense joy. Entering the house where You were with Mary and Joseph, they fell down and worshipped You.

This act of the three wise men points to the people who will come to worship you and bring you their gifts (Ps 7:10-11).

But in reality it is always we who are the recipients. No matter how small gift we bring you, you make it into something great. If we offer You our heart, small and narrow, You will make it large and wide, so that we learn to love as You love. You give us a big heart in which all people fit, and we can even become for You father, mother, brother or sister, because we are united in the Will of the Father (Mt 12:50).

Do you know, Beloved Child? I could stay all the time looking at you, and that would be enough for me. We men are not afraid of little children… On the contrary, they can conquer our hearts.

Surely our Heavenly Father also had in mind our “weakness” in front of children, when He sent You into the world as a Child, to win our hearts.

And that has happened! You have conquered our heart, and Your love will never leave us! Take our heart, Lord: it belongs to You, it is the greatest gift we can give You!

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