What conclusions must be drawn when we have to assume that acts of idolatry have taken place in connection with the Amozonas Synod in the Vatican and in a church in Rome, and thus a serious violation of the First Commandment!
First of all, whether these acts were committed out of ignorance, blindness or even with dark intention, they are acts that affect the whole universal Church, since they took place at the seat of the Catholic Church in the presence of the Pope.
So far, pope Francis has unfortunately not distanced himself from these acts for which he bears responsibility. One of the apologies he issued was not about violating the First Commandment, but about the act of the men who threw the Pachamama into the Tiber.
When such a serious act is done against true worship, atonement is needed.
Those who recognize that this is a grave sin are invited to make atonement in various ways, for the face of our Mother Church has been disfigured.
May the Pope publicly distance himself from the idolatrous acts and carry out appropriate acts. Even if there was no such intention, it is necessary to take responsibility for the events which cause such great irritation among the faithful.
Together with this act demanded by love and truth, it would be advisable to make a public creed with the additional emphasis on the redemption of humanity through Jesus Christ, as the only mediator to God (cf. 1Tim 2,5). In view of the insecurity of the faithful, it is also good to emphasize the mission of the to call all people to the true faith (cf. Mt 28,19).
Irrespective of the further reaction of Pope Francis, the faithful Catholic bishops should speak out and publicly distance themselves from the events in the Amazon Synod in the name of the true faith. The example of Auxiliary Bishop Schneider, who carried out such an act could give a perspective. This would strengthen Catholics in the faith.
From the open letter of Auxiliary Bishop Schneider:
“In view of the requirements of the authentic worship and adoration of the One True God, the Most Blessed Trinity, and Christ Our Savior, in virtue of my ordination as a Catholic bishop and successor to the Apostles, and in true fidelity and love for the Roman Pontiff, the Successor of Peter, and for his task to preside over the “Cathedra of the truth” (cathedra veritatis), I condemn the veneration of the pagan symbol of Pachamama in the Vatican Garden, in St. Peter’s basilica, and in the Roman church of Santa Maria in Traspontina.”
The Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Order of the Sacraments, Cardinal Sarah, is asked to take a protective stand for the divine cult in the face of events in the Vatican and Rome.
The exorcists of the Catholic Church are called to reject in the name of God the demonic influence on the Holy Church, which has been strengthend by the acts of idolatry.
Bishops and priests are asked to break their silence and to overcome their possible fears for Christ’s sake and to take a stand. As a Catholic, such acts of idolatry cannot be condoned or trivialized. In particular, the members of the hierarchy have a responsibility to protect the flock entrusted to them.
Vigilant lay people can speak out and ask their priests and bishops for opinions on what is happening in the Vatican and Rome. The acts of idolatry must not be ignored and forgotten. They need atonement and reparation.
All this is especially recommended to our dear Lady of Guadalupe. God has already shown here as an example what true inculturation means. It was Our Lady who described herself as Mary, the Mother of the only true God. After her apparition in 1531, millions of Indians converted to Christianity within a few years in view of the miraculous image of grace.
It is not the questionable statue of a Pachmama that needs worship or even worship. This is a throwback to pagan times and a renegate from the true God. The right veneration of the Virgin Mary, on the other hand, helps to focus on the true God and to remain faithful to the Catholic faith.
Let us not lose courage in the face of these great shadows that obscure the face of the Church. On the contrary, we trust in the Lord’s victory and the faith he has entrusted to His Church:
“because every child of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world — our faith. Who can overcome the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” (1Jn 5,4-5)
It is high time for Cristeros to rise up to a spiritual struggle and defend the attacked faith. The Lord will overcome all!
Viva Christo Rey y la Virgen de Guadalupe

Harpa Dei accompanies the daily scriptural interpretation or spiritual teaching of Br. Elija, their spiritual father. These meditations can be heard on the following website www.en.elijamission.net