MEDITATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS (5/8): “Light for revelation to the gentiles”

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As Jews faithful to the Law of the Lord, eight days after Your birth Your parents circumcised You and gave You the name of Jesus, the Saviour (Lk 2:21).

When, forty days later, they brought You to the Temple to present You to the Lord, You met Simeon, one of the faithful of Your people (Lk 2:22-25). The Holy Spirit had revealed to him that he would not die before he had seen you. And so it happened! Filled with the Holy Spirit and taking You in His arms, He pronounced over You those unforgettable words:

“Now, Master, you let your servant go in peace. You have fulfilled your promise.

My own eyes have seen your salvation,

which you have prepared in the sight of all peoples.

A light to bring the Gentiles from darkness; the glory of your people Israel.” (Lk 2:29-32).

In the figure of Simeon, we can see what you want to give to your people. After a long pilgrimage, he finally reached the goal, because he recognised You.

Now the dividing wall that separated Your chosen people from other peoples can be torn down (Eph 2:14). Only through You and in You does it become possible! Now, thanks to You, we can walk together: the nations that were enlightened by You and the people of Israel, whose glory You are.

But, Beloved Child, You know that we are not there yet. Even You Yourself become a “sign of contradiction”, destined “for the falling and the rising of many “, and that the intentions of many hearts may be exposed (Lk 2:35).

Sadly it happens like this, beautiful Child: people may pass by the grace You offer them, they may be scandalised by You and even turn against You.

A sword will pierce your mother’s soul,” prophesies the old man Simeon (v. 35). It is an inevitable suffering, as long as mankind does not accept the offer of Your grace.

But the door of mercy remains wide open, and You will keep it open until the hour that only the Father knows!

You know, Jesus? I think we have become rather lukewarm in the proclamation. Maybe even some people think it wouldn’t be so important to follow You. What a blunder!

People pass by the treasures of Redemption and turn to leaky cisterns.

This is not the way it should be!

You have invited us to participate in spreading the Good News. Rekindle in us the love for You, so that it becomes a burning flame, which helps to melt the layer of ice that surrounds the hearts of men.

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