Audio EN

The Friendliness

Holy Spirit, it is said of You that You are a kind and human loving spirit, and that a fruit that You make grow in the human soul is kindness! Kindness is a pleasant attitude of man, which easily wins over the other person and makes him feel loved and acknowledged! And if this kindness […]

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The Joy

Beloved Holy Spirit, one of the most wonderful gifts that You can make grow in us as fruit is joy! It is that joy which, like love, makes everything easier and overcomes the weight that life so often brings with it. A joy that is contagious, and gives a ray of light and some comfort

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The Self-control

Holy Spirit, in the beginning you hovered over the waters (cf. Gen 1,2) and brought order to the chaos. You also want to bring order to the chaos caused by sin, order in our inner and outer life. So much has been confused with original sin and the sins that follow it, that even your friend Paul

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The Gentleness

Beloved Holy Spirit, You gentle soul guest, let grow in us the spirit of gentleness, that spirit that permeates everything, that transforms and softens our heart, purifying it from all hardships; that is as mild as Your wonderful Bride, our Mother! “Blessed are the gentle: they shall have the earth as inheritance.” (Mt 5,4) You

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The purity of heart

Beloved Holy Spirit, come You, the eternal and pure light and penetrate us, so that nothing can remain hidden from You, no shadow can live on in our soul, every darkness may go away and everything be inflamed by Your love! Awaken us from all inertia and purify our heart so that it may love

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Until the feast of Pentecost, we will contemplate in meditation the fruits of the Holy Spirit, which should bring us closer to the Holy Spirit. They are mostly repetitions of the past year. At Easter 2020, due to the pandemic, we broadcast retreats live via internet. We want to check if there is interest in

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Ascension of the Lord

Acts 1, 1-11 In my earlier work, Theophilus, I dealt with everything Jesus had done and taught from the beginning until the day he gave his instructions to the apostles he had chosen through the Holy Spirit, and was taken up to heaven. He had shown himself alive to them after his Passion by many

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“The Lord of the World”

Before we come close to Pentecost and after the Ascension of the Lord, wich prepare ourselves in a novena for the most holy feast of Pentecost, I would like to present a book shortly after our broadcasts on St. Joan of Arc. It was written by Robert Hugh Benson, an English Catholic priest in 1907,

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The Maid of Orleans

For Joan, the hardest part of her mission now came. Now she was to bear the whole burden of the cross, to taste the suffering that no one who is fully at the service of his Lord is spared. It would not have been enough for the English to simply take Joan captive and then

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