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Nothing beyond what is written

1 Cor 4,6b-15  I have applied all this to myself and Apollos for your sakes, so that you can learn how the saying, ‘Nothing beyond what is written’ is true of us: no individual among you must become filled with his own importance and make comparisons, to another’s detriment. Who made you so important? What […]

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To live spiritually

1 Cor 3,1-9 And so, brothers, I was not able to talk to you as spiritual people; I had to talk to you as people still living by your natural inclinations, still infants in Christ; I fed you with milk and not solid food, for you were not yet able to take it – and

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Resistance against the evil

Lk 4,31-37 He went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, and taught them on the Sabbath. And his teaching made a deep impression on them because his word carried authority. In the synagogue there was a man possessed by the spirit of an unclean devil, and he shouted at the top of his voice,

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The Lord in Nazareth

Lk 4, 16-30 He came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day as he usually did. He stood up to read, and they handed him the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. Unrolling the scroll he found the place where it is written: The spirit of

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Thinking like God thinks!

Mt 16,21-27 From then onwards Jesus began to make it clear to his disciples that he was destined to go to Jerusalem and suffer grievously at the hands of the elders and chief priests and scribes and to be put to death and to be raised up on the third day. Then, taking him aside,

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A real conversion

1 Thess 4,1-9 Finally, brothers, we urge you and appeal to you in the Lord Jesus; we instructed you how to live in the way that pleases God, and you are so living; but make more progress still. You are well aware of the instructions we gave you on the authority of the Lord Jesus.

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The struggle for conversion

Lk 7,11-17 It happened that soon afterwards he went to a town called Nain, accompanied by his disciples and a great number of people. Now when he was near the gate of the town there was a dead man being carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a

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