“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.” (2 Cor 8:9)
A poverty that enriches us” is how we could describe the event of the Nativity.
God is not afraid to make Himself small for the sake of men; He is not afraid to place Himself below the angels in order to exalt men (cf. Heb 2:9). A little child in a manger, without a trace of luxury; a grotto as a place of birth; simple shepherds as guests… All this is the expression of a poverty that is nevertheless full of dignity because it is voluntary. God wanted to come into the world in this poverty to show us the true richness of His love.
Poverty that enriches us… This is one of the seemingly paradoxical messages of Scripture. It turns out that poverty often enriches us, while wealth often impoverishes us. The dignity of the voluntary renunciation of material wealth is precisely to make us see what true wealth is, which does not lie in earthly goods. True wealth lies in the nobility of the person who places all the gifts he has received from the Lord at the service of God and humanity, at the spiritual, intellectual and material levels.
And this is exactly what Jesus does! Everything He did was for the glory of God and the salvation of humanity. It is precisely through the simple life He lived until His death that He invites us to raise our eyes to what is essential, without dwelling on appearances. If Jesus had been born in a palace, in a wealthy family, it would have been difficult for many to identify with Him, because not everyone enjoys such riches.
The Lord’s voluntary poverty invites all the people of the world to discover their true dignity, without being deceived by the temptations of wealth.
The poverty of Jesus, in all the circumstances of His life, makes us rich. His flight to Egypt with Mary and Joseph to escape Herod’s executioners can become an encouraging message for refugees.
The unjust persecutions and accusations He suffered became a comfort to all those in similar situations. His passion and cruel death accompany those who suffer… By willingly accepting poverty, the Lord can transform every situation of life from within, giving dignity to man even in the midst of his poverty and helplessness.
What a profound message our God gives us! He comes down to us to draw us to Himself. He makes Himself poor to make us rich. He willingly accepts death to save us from it. He takes sin upon Himself to save us. He returns to heaven to prepare a home for us.
Thus, on this feast of His Nativity, the Lord invites us to give ourselves completely to Him, so that in Him we may be enriched with true goods that last forever.