As I had communicated yesterday, I will continue until Saturday with the meditations on the “Message of the Father”. This is divided into two parts. In the previous reflections, I had followed the order of the booklet almost completely.
From today, I will summarize what we are missing from the first part and I will only quote a few extracts. I will leave the second part of the Message for meditation at another suitable time.
I recommend that everyone read the booklet for himself. It has been published in many languages and can be obtained easily and without cost on the Internet. Sometimes the quality of the translations is criticized. The original text was given by the Heavenly Father to Mother Eugenie in Latin. The first translation that was made was into French.
It is important to understand that while God the Father addresses only one person here directly, he speaks to us all through her. This is how He expresses Himself:
“Also now that I am here in Person in the midst of you all, speaking to you and repeating incessantly, in every possible way, that I love you and that I want to be known, loved and glorified with a special cult, even now you do not see me, except for one person: the one to whom I dictate this message. One in all mankind! Nevertheless, what I say here, I say to all of you; speaking to the one I see (although I see all of you), I speak to each and every one of you, as if you were seeing Me”.
It depends on us if we let ourselves be touched by this Message, which was also addressed to the Pope of that time and to the bishop in charge. Both were strongly entrusted with this work of love and its diffusion. The Pope was asked to put this work in the first place, to study it and to carry it out diligently.
This is a good moment to reflect on the importance of such a message. Not infrequently, these private revelations are devalued in certain circles, or their significance is not even understood.
However, we see that this message must not only lead to personal growth in faith, hope and charity – which would already be extremely valuable – but that God’s intention is to communicate to the whole of humanity a message that has an urgency.
In order to understand the meaning of such private revelations, it is useful to bear in mind certain Marian apparitions approved by the Church, and their sometimes enormous effects.
Let us take as an example the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in Mexico…
The Virgin appears to an Indian. As a result, the native Aztecs are converted. Today, it is a giant pilgrimage shrine, where millions of people come for prayer. In this context, it is to be regretted that at present, because of the pandemic, the Basilica is closed. Could it be that this pleases our Holy Mother?
Another example: the apparition of Our Lady in Lourdes, France.
Our Lady appears to Saint Bernadette. A great place of pilgrimage arises, to which many sick people also arrive and where certified miracles happen. And here too it is a pity that it is not accessible at present. Will Our Lady be pleased with this?
A third example: Fatima, Portugal.
The Virgin Mary appears to three children and entrusts them with important messages for the world. Certain circles of the faithful say that to this day the requests of the Mother of God have not been completely fulfilled, and they also relate the painful events of these days to the message of Fatima… This sanctuary is no longer accessible either… Does Our Lady like this?
How great influence these places and messages have even today! And how much more influence they could have, if everything that was said by the Mother of God were put into practice, sometimes in just a few words! All three examples are part of the so-called “private revelations”, although I prefer to call them “interventions of a prophetic nature”.
If we look at the “Message of the Father” from this perspective, it could have an even more global dimension. It is not a question here of building a place of pilgrimage, but of enabling the Lord to establish His temple in the hearts of men and women and to cultivate with us that relationship of trust and familiarity which our first parents originally had with Him in Paradise; that relationship which in eternity will reach its fullness.
The Feast that the Father asks for would be the visible realization; the recognition and veneration of the loving Fatherhood of God for all men. Obviously this would bring forth new rivers of grace for humanity.
Do we not need today more than ever the correct image of God the Father, who loves us more than Himself, who is always close to us and wants to be merciful even to the greatest sinner? Do we not need a Father who is merciful, but at the same time does not leave truth and justice aside? Do we not need, precisely in the pandemic, a sure support; Someone in whom we can put our trust in a seemingly hopeless situation; Someone who knows what all this will serve and includes it in His plan of salvation for us men? I think so! And that “Someone” is there and knocks at the door of our heart, wanting to dwell with us. It is none other than God the Father Himself!
Note on my own behalf:

Many people have already registered for the retreat, so that it will take place with God’s grace. Most participants speak Spanish. When registering for the retreat, please tell us which language is your mother tongue and if you understand another language. Thank you!
More information will follow later!

Harpa Dei accompanies the daily scriptural interpretation or spiritual teaching of Br. Elija, their spiritual father. These meditations can be heard on the following website